Solo Class

Unlock Your Child's Creativity and Language Potential with Our Chinese Right Brain Training Class!

Are you eager to give your child a head start in today's globalized world? Our Chinese Right Brain Training Class offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to cultivate your child's creativity while immersing them in the beauty of the Chinese language and culture! This programme is designed for children aged 4 to 8 years old.

Through a blend of engaging activities and innovative techniques, led by our experienced instructors, your child will embark on a transformative journey of discovery. They'll develop crucial right brain skills such as creativity, high speed learning, and holistic thinking, all while gaining proficiency in Mandarin Chinese—a language that opens doors to vast cultural and professional opportunities.

Solo class game

Chinese reading

Happy Solo classes for children aged 4 to 8 years old.

This independent right-brain training programme will be conducted fully in Mandarin.

Similar to our principal Bilingual programme, our Happy Solo programme will encompass a wide variety of activities to prepare children not just for primary school, but for lifelong education.

When children reach the age of 7 or 8, they begin to think with more complexity and sophistication. As the brain prunes some established connections, they start to reorganise the remaining connections to make them more efficient. We recognise the needs of children this age in having their own autonomy and be independent learners.

How do we ensure that the learning in Happy Train is effective?

Our curriculum evokes critical thinking, explores concepts, engages in discussions, and listens to ideas. We help students see the joy in learning.

Words recognition


Learning has to be fun from the start. Research has shown that children learn better when it’s fun as that increases their chances of retaining knowledge and thirsting for more knowledge as they grow.



We help children identify the purpose of learning. With a clear purpose and a fun environment, they will naturally be motivated to put in the hard work. A positive effect on motivation level will impact positively on their dedication and commitment.

Poem and Tongue Twister


When we connect learning to children’s own strengths and interests, they will be inspired to learn and excel in their work. Learning is a lifelong process and we inspire children to stay curious and crave for more knowledge.

Benefits of our Happy Solo classes:

Working Memory and inhibitory control are instrumental for young children’s early academic success.


• Mental flexibility help children adept in shifting their thought patterns.

• Enhanced executive
functioning skills – regulate behaviours; enhance working memory and inhibitory control.

• Build self confidence and

• Improve social and
communication skills.

• Improve focus and concentration ability for accelerated learning.


Our “Happy Solo” Mandarin class activities:

Curated games and activities to ensure that learning Chinese need not be an uphill struggle with only drills and pain.


• Enhanced memory and build vocabulary through our Story Memory Word game.

• Vocabulary is strengthened through games that will expand children’s knowledge of new words and meanings.

• Using Chinese Idioms (成语) to improve Mandarin fluency.

Problem-solving skills through mazes and puzzles

Games to hone children’s spatial awareness and observation skills.

• Variety of memory games that require strong visual attention and audio focus.

Listening Comprehension
Using the right brain abilities to visualise various stories.

This will sharpen children’s listening skills and their abilities to retain and recall large amount of information with ease.

Oral Presentation
Show and tell presentations build confidence in speaking aloud.

Describing pictures and storytelling give children opportunities to converse in
various scenarios.


Join us

in nurturing your child's potential and preparing them for success in our interconnected world. Enroll them in our Chinese Right Brain Training Class today and watch as they blossom into confident, independent individuals with a passion for learning! Don't miss out on this enriching experience—sign up now and unlock the door to a world of possibilities!

Limited Seats Available.
Small Group Learning

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